五子棋打谱软件 1)提供五子棋打谱功能,并可保存棋谱。 保存文件时有两种方式可选择:可另存为自定义棋谱格式gmk的文件;也可保存至app数据库内。 2)按24种开局方式,提供数百五子棋实战棋谱。 3)提供两种尺寸的棋盘,可以更换棋盘大小、颜色和棋子。 4) 可单步或自动演示棋谱。自动演示时,使用下一步或上一步可暂停,点击自动演示,可继续演示。 打谱悔棋快捷键:B/b。 五子棋打谱软件iPad/iPhone免费版已经上线,欢迎下载。 Gomoku is an abstract strategy board game. Also called Gobang or Five in a Row, it is traditionally played with Go pieces (black and white stones) on a go board with 19x19 (15x15) intersections. The winner is the first player to get an unbroken row of five stones horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The App can save your own games in your device, and includes hundreds of games played by top Gomoku players. You can change board and chess.