batch convert your entire media directory at once into .caf, with the click of a mouse. (attention: automatically from various format even video file to .caf format) You can use it to convert various kinds of audio, music, and sound formats into Apple's .caf format. The app can even extract audio from videos! So, put all your stuff in a folder and give bachCAF a single-click try! Features: v1.07 - Batch convert sound files; - Beeps after each song is converted; - No complex setting, simply select the input and output folders; - Supported formats: .3gp,.3g2, .aac, .adts, .ac3, .aifc, .aiff, .aif, .amr, .au, .caf.m4a, .mpeg, .mpa, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .mp4, .sd2, .snd, .wav v1.07 -> v1.27 - add "Mute Beep" option - add the destination folder confirm - add "feature request" menu - add "more by dragonBTV" menu and panel - more compact interface v1.27 -> v1.31 - option added: save converted files to the same source folder - more detailed technical support email templet - more detailed feature request email templet - updated more by dragonBTV panel v1.31 -> v1.50 - Sandboxed version - OS 10.7 to OS 10.8 compatible version - rewrite all deprecated codes - color and size of the interface updated - dock menu added - Sandbox compatible email technical support - Sandbox compatible feature request support - Sandbox compatible "more by dragonBTV" menu and panel v1.50 -> v1.80 - fully re-coded Sandbox ARC version for macOS Sierra 10.12 - updated to macOS Sierra 10.12 and still compatible with OS10.7 and above - interface adjusted - all deprecated function is replaced - all file operation is changed to Sandbox compatible - convert upon drag & drop function removed - app menu rearranged - change the color of all popup alerts into white - alert for destination (output) folder selection modified with detailed explaining - option "beep after each file" deleted for faster conversion - More apps by dragonBTV are simplified by displaying in App Store directly v1.80 -> v1.82 - menu rearranged - performance improvements for macOS 10.13 High Sierra v1.82 -> v2.00 - Any Mac (Apple Silicon, Intel) version for macOS Big Sur - processing progress bar added - app version display added - save to the same source folder option removed - support menu updated - interface fine-tuning for dark mode - all deprecated functions rewritten