Evil stirs beneath the Spine of the World. Journey deep into Icewind Dale, a harsh and unforgiving territory settled only by the hardiest folk. Battle the cunning, ferocious beasts that survive among the snow-shrouded peaks, and confront an evil that schemes to wreak destruction upon the world. Originally released in 2000, Icewind Dale is a Dungeons & Dragons tactical isometric roleplaying game set in the legendary Forgotten Realms. Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition contains the original 60-hour adventure, as well as the Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster expansions and a host of new features: Quest content cut from the original game, now finished and restored. Dozens of new spells and items, including new magic armor and weapons. Over 30 new kits and classes to create the perfect adventuring party. Cooperative, cross-platform multiplayer. An all-new interface, including the new Quickloot bar. Countless bug fixes and improvements to the original game.