

Lightning for Xcode is an Xcode developer plugin that improves development efficiency for iOS and Mac developers.

Lightning for Xcode has the following features:
- Extracting Method Declarations
copy the implementation of the function to extract the Method declaration
- Generating Lazy Variable
Copy the property declaration to Generating Lazy Variable code

- To install Lightning for Xcode in Xcode:
1. Quit Xcode;
2. Enable Lightning extension in System Preferences -> Extensions -> Xcode Source Editor;
3. Restart Xcode;
4. Select the code you want to extracting;
5. Use Xcode Editor -> Lightning menu;
6. Enjoy coding!

- Tips:
 You can set a shortcut (Key Binding) for any command via Xcode -> Preferences -> Key Bindings.  

- If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me and send email to zykzzzz@hotmail.com.